Suriani Ibrahim ^^


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Further Study

As I finished my study at secondary school,I further my study in a college.Before that,I made an application to IPTA but I dont pass it.I felt really sad and at the same time really mad at myself because not doing well in my SPM.But,there is nothing I can do to redeem myself.I just accepted it.As I said before,I further my study at a college.The college that I attend to is,Kolej Teknologi Timur,at Sepang,Selangor.
My first expectation of this college is,it must be very expensive because it is not under government.When I arrived here,I was like,"Owh, this my college??"."Am I going to stay here??'.It is because,this college was so desolate from the city.Then,I thought that this college does not have enough facilities and so hard to get to anywhere.But then,all of my expectation just become my 'nightmare' only.All of the facilities here was very good.I never thought that.In this college,I took an Office Management course.There is a of things to learn through this course,such as typing.Its might be easy to listen but its quite hard to do.The lecturer that teaching us this subject is,Miss Zaemah.Other than that,I must learn a Business of Mathematis.This subject is like my nightmare because its so much like Additional Mathematics that I learn in secondary school.Mr. Fendi is my lecturer for this subject.I hope that he make this subject looks easier for me.Then,I have to learn a history,that being lectured by Ustaz Arif.Other then that,my other lecturers is,Miss Zuraidah,Madam Nur Adila,Ustaz Johari,Madam Diyana and the one but not least is Mr.Haikal that taught me an English or BEL 120.Last Friday,I have to present a preposition infront of the class and Mr.Haikal and I hope he likes it. :)