Suriani Ibrahim ^^


Assalamualaikum bloggers . Welcome to my simple blog .


My Family


Today I want to tell you about my family. My father's name is Ibrahim bin Abd Rahman. If he is "here",he will be 67 by now. Unfortunately,he was gone on January 2 2011. He is wellborn in Teregganu. After retired as a governmet employee,he work as a taxi driver before he got sick for about 5 years. My mother's name is Kelesom binti Esa. She is also wellborn in Terengganu,at Bukit Payung. She is 62 this year. She got sick when I was 2 years old and make her blind now. Despite of that,she can do almost everything that a normal person can do. She can cook also. I love her cooked so much. As I said before, I love her 'asam pedas' and 'kerabu pucuk paku'. I love them both so much. There's nothing in this world can replace them. This word is a bit clich right? :):).I have six sibling. 2 boys and 4 girls,me included. The oldest one,is my sister,Maziah Ibrahim. 45 years old and she got three kids. Second,Sharifah Rabiah,she's 41 I guess.She also got three kids. My third sister is,Noraini. My brother's name is Ahmad Shah and Mohd Nor. I am the youngest one. I'm the only one that not married yet. I have 7 nephew and 5 niece. I am their aunt. It's sound funny cause my oldest nephew is older than me. He is 21 now.I also have a niece that same age with me.