Suriani Ibrahim ^^


Assalamualaikum bloggers . Welcome to my simple blog .


Previous Schools and Achievement in Academic


As my post title is Previous School and Achievement in Academic,so I will talk about it now.My first school,definitely is my kindergarden.Its name is Tadika Kemas,Kampung Jaya Gading.I entered the school,like the others,at 6 years old.I don't remember much about my history there,so I'll just skip it.My primary school is,Sekolah Kebangsaan Jaya Gading.
I was studied there since 2002 until 2007.There is a lot of memory there but I don't remember all of them.When I was at standard 5,I entered a tadarus competition,unfortunately,I ain't win it but my friend,Muhammad 'Izzan got the first place.I am so proud of him.I am not a smart student at primary school.My examination or PKSR,I just got an average result only.But the way,I was always in the first class since I was standard 1 until standard 6.At the end,I got 5A's in UPSR.I can believe it at first.Then,my secondary school is Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Damai (SMKSD)
Before that,I entered SMK Alor Akar,a boarding school for only 2 days.I can't stand it because I have to be apart from my family.SMKSD is located not to far from my house,just about 2 km away. I was in the first class along my studied there.I was top 10 student in academic there.I dont know how is that happened.I'm a bit proud of myself.When my PMR,I got straight A.Then,when I was form 4 and form 5,my achievement in my examination a bit down.Its maybe because I took a pure science class.In my SPM, I only got 4A'S.That is all I can get.I was crying when I got that result but my mom said to me that,what done is done,so,I just accepted it with an open heart....XD