Suriani Ibrahim ^^


Assalamualaikum bloggers . Welcome to my simple blog .


BEL 120

Last week, I have to present a statement about "women is a better driver than a men" in BEL 120 class. I have to discuss about it with my friends whether we agree or not and our opinion is, we were not agreed. We haave to present the reason, why we are not agree with that statement. We gave 5 reason and one of it is, womenn drive too carefully. I am the one who have to present about this. My elaboration is, I said that women drive too slow and sometimes its kind of annoying people that follows behind. Other than that, I said they were driving on the wrong lane. For example, they drive too slow, but they drive on the fast lane. That was my presentation. In the BEL 120 class also, I have to act on next Friday. Oh my God, its like a nightmare for me. I don't know how to act. Oh God, please me go through with it.