Suriani Ibrahim ^^


Assalamualaikum bloggers . Welcome to my simple blog .


First Experience


Last week,I went hiking with my sister and her kids. We were hiking at Gunung Nuang at Selangor. We went there by car from my sister's house. The journey takes about half an hour to reach there. When we arrived,there was my sisters friends waiting. Then,we changed our outfit to hike. We started our hiking about 5 o'clock. At first, my stamina was alright,then about 3 KM of hiking, my energy started to decrease. We stopped at the shed a few moment. I felt like want to faint that time. Only God know it. I was so tired. My breathing uncontrolled and my feet started to cramp. I ate an energy bar and drank some energy supplement. After my energy gained back, we continued our journey. I was flatted a few times before arrived at the Camp Lolo.We arrived about 8 o'clock. There was a few hiker there that set their tent. Then, we found a siutable to set our tent. After that, I took a bath in the waterfall. The water was so cold. Then, we had our dinner. We ate a lamb roast. I just a little of it cause I don't like it much. Around 11, I took a nap in the tent. It was so uncomfortable but what can I do. It was so freezing that night. I cannot sleep much. In the morning,we took our breakfast. After that, we set the tent down and packing up to hike down. We started about 12.30 p.m and arrived at the start point about 3 p.m. My feet and my body was so hurt. I felt like does'nt want to walk. In the pain, I was happy of that hiking because It was my first experience.