Suriani Ibrahim ^^


Assalamualaikum bloggers . Welcome to my simple blog .


This Week


This week is the most tired weeks of all.Then, I got a lot of assignment to do.Thank God that the assignment must to do in group.But It still make my head want to"explode" or something.I have to memorise the Yassin,1 - 40 verse,and Its need to be in my head by next Friday,July 12.By next Friday also,I need to figure out what I want to potray in my act.I hate acting.But the way,I have to do it,otherwise,I will not get any marks from Sir Haikal,my English lecturer.The acting theme is,horror movie.So what my group members and I have to do is,find a suitable character and potray it infront of the class or maybe infront of the senior.If that happen,it might a embrassing day for me.Other than that,my another assignment is,I have to go to a company and ask them a few question about how the company running.I also need to find out their working skill,organisation chart,the departments and a lots more.But I still don't know when I need to go there.I also got a history course assignment.I need to choose one title of eight and do it in group.I don't know what title I would choose.Then,I have to do a typing assignment.It might be easy,but Its not that easy actually because I need to use the "homekey".Its a bit awkward but what can  I dO.Another one is,my personal development's assignment.I think I would choose a Malaysian Custom chapter and it also must be in group.I hope that I can do and submit all of the assignment on time.