Suriani Ibrahim ^^


Assalamualaikum bloggers . Welcome to my simple blog .


My Housemate

Every single morning , I got to wake up early to the class , like always . But do you know what , there is always a things that gonna make me happy everyday starting from my eyes get open . Housemate . They always got their own character . My funky chunky mate, Aida , always got her craziness . She always give my stomach feel got to blow up with her joke , her style , her react and else . Other, the spoiled girl , shashoo a.k.a. shahirah syuhada . She locked her alarms but never gonna wake up with the crazy sound of the alarm that broke everyone  morning glories . Like always , I'm the one that got to burn down her alarm so everyone not gonna mad with her . haha . About my dear beloved mate , Suraya , always nagging about this and that , told me to do my work like I'm never gonna do my job. But what you know what , even so , her behaviour remembering me about my mother . However , I love my friends , I mean it okay ! Even sometimes I feel awkward with them , but , without they all , I feel bored .  :( Feel like this is the end of the world ! hehe , sorry , not so over acting am I ? Thats all my story today . See ya . bye.