Suriani Ibrahim ^^


Assalamualaikum bloggers . Welcome to my simple blog .


My Math

Just now I got a Wechat from my niece. She sent me a photo of some business mathematic questions....

That was what she sent to me. The question made me headache. But I have tried to figured it out.

This is what I got but It is wrong but the way. At least I've tried to do it right??.I actually love mathematics but NOT additional mathematics. Business mathematics is closely like add math. I hate add math. I hope I can pass this subject in my final exam.Just imagine, in my SPM, I got A in math but D in add math. The formula that make add math so hard to do not like math. I don't know how to use the formula that provided. That was the problem about add math and also business mathematics. I just hope,I can improve my mathematics subject.....