Suriani Ibrahim ^^


Assalamualaikum bloggers . Welcome to my simple blog .


My Social

This is my second last post. I want to talk about my wechat. I have got a lot of friends through wechat especially a boy friends. Played wechat is quite fun. I can find a new friend from all over the world. I found a lot of types of people.There's a great guy, nice guy, funny and also handsome guy...hehehe...I can find friend by shake and look around...I love to do it..B-)..Another social network that I've got is facebook a.k.a FB. FB is not my thing actually. I am not always online. I don't like to update status and thing like nowaday kids love to do. I hate thing like that. I think I want to deactive my FB.. I LOVE WECHAT more than FB.. :)
