Suriani Ibrahim ^^


Assalamualaikum bloggers . Welcome to my simple blog .



Last Wednesday was the first day of Ramadan on July 10. My feeling about this year's Ramadan is mixed within happy and sad. I am happy because this is my first experience of fasting with my new friends and I am sad also because I cannot celebrated this Ramadan with my family this year. But its alright because I had a friends beside me especially my housemate. They were so nice to me. On the first day of Ramadan, we were "sahur" together. It is quite fun actually. We were having steamboat for "sahur". The first day of fasting was quite tired but the days after that, I didn't felt its like fasting anymore. I ate a "mee bandung" for "berbuka" on that day that was bought at Bazar Ramadan. The taste wasn't so good actually. I cannot finish it. There is nothing better like home. I miss my mom's cook.....: (