Suriani Ibrahim ^^


Assalamualaikum bloggers . Welcome to my simple blog .


Last Post...

Tomorrow, I have to submit my blog to Sir. Haikal. Right now,on 3.05 a.m,I have done 19 post and this is the last one. I make this conclusion because I don't have any idea anymore. I hope what I've done is enough. I am so sleepy right now but I'm strengthen myself to do it anyway.  I started writing this blog about a month ago. All of the things that I've wrote is all about me and people around me including my family and friends. In the other words, people who are meant a lot to me. This is my last post and I hope that you satisfied of what I've post here....that is all THANK YOU...

My Social

This is my second last post. I want to talk about my wechat. I have got a lot of friends through wechat especially a boy friends. Played wechat is quite fun. I can find a new friend from all over the world. I found a lot of types of people.There's a great guy, nice guy, funny and also handsome guy...hehehe...I can find friend by shake and look around...I love to do it..B-)..Another social network that I've got is facebook a.k.a FB. FB is not my thing actually. I am not always online. I don't like to update status and thing like nowaday kids love to do. I hate thing like that. I think I want to deactive my FB.. I LOVE WECHAT more than FB.. :)



My Math

Just now I got a Wechat from my niece. She sent me a photo of some business mathematic questions....

That was what she sent to me. The question made me headache. But I have tried to figured it out.

This is what I got but It is wrong but the way. At least I've tried to do it right??.I actually love mathematics but NOT additional mathematics. Business mathematics is closely like add math. I hate add math. I hope I can pass this subject in my final exam.Just imagine, in my SPM, I got A in math but D in add math. The formula that make add math so hard to do not like math. I don't know how to use the formula that provided. That was the problem about add math and also business mathematics. I just hope,I can improve my mathematics subject.....

My Housemate

Every single morning , I got to wake up early to the class , like always . But do you know what , there is always a things that gonna make me happy everyday starting from my eyes get open . Housemate . They always got their own character . My funky chunky mate, Aida , always got her craziness . She always give my stomach feel got to blow up with her joke , her style , her react and else . Other, the spoiled girl , shashoo a.k.a. shahirah syuhada . She locked her alarms but never gonna wake up with the crazy sound of the alarm that broke everyone  morning glories . Like always , I'm the one that got to burn down her alarm so everyone not gonna mad with her . haha . About my dear beloved mate , Suraya , always nagging about this and that , told me to do my work like I'm never gonna do my job. But what you know what , even so , her behaviour remembering me about my mother . However , I love my friends , I mean it okay ! Even sometimes I feel awkward with them , but , without they all , I feel bored .  :( Feel like this is the end of the world ! hehe , sorry , not so over acting am I ? Thats all my story today . See ya . bye.

18th JULY 2013

Today also, I got a quiz of Office Administration with Miss Zuraida. I have read the book a night before but all of it not inside my head. I just answered what I know and then just sent it away.I don't know what I 've answered. I hope it was right. Then, I got a typing class today. My friend played a Raya song in the lab. It's quite sad actually cause I remembered my mom and family at hometown but its okay though. She also played my mom's favourite song. It made me wanted to cry. I can't wait to go back to Kuantan this Raya. Wait for me Kuantan....XD

To The Bazar

Today is my ninth day of fasting here at KTT. I went to the "bazar" today with my roommate. We went there by motorcycle. We were going to the bank first because she want to withdraw some money. Then, we went to the "bazar". It was at Taman Seroja. Its not too far from my college. Its took about 10 minutes to go by ride. Our college also provided a bus to go to the "bazar", everyday on 5 p.m but I don't have a chance to do that yet .I think maybe next time. The "bazar" was not bad. There was a lot of seller and choices. I bought a Nasi Kukus. The taste is quite good but not great.


Last Wednesday was the first day of Ramadan on July 10. My feeling about this year's Ramadan is mixed within happy and sad. I am happy because this is my first experience of fasting with my new friends and I am sad also because I cannot celebrated this Ramadan with my family this year. But its alright because I had a friends beside me especially my housemate. They were so nice to me. On the first day of Ramadan, we were "sahur" together. It is quite fun actually. We were having steamboat for "sahur". The first day of fasting was quite tired but the days after that, I didn't felt its like fasting anymore. I ate a "mee bandung" for "berbuka" on that day that was bought at Bazar Ramadan. The taste wasn't so good actually. I cannot finish it. There is nothing better like home. I miss my mom's cook.....: (